Week 5 Leaders Notes
Week #5 can be one of the more challenging weeks to facilitate. The Facilitators Guide has great recommendations for how to approach this week. Please review that information early in the week so that you can prepare. Here are some specific recommendations for what to do when you facilitate week #5:
If your group is coed, separate men and women for the strongholds discussion. Find two areas that are separated and private. If you do not have male & female facilitators, ask someone from your group ahead of time to help you lead that portion of the discussion. Be sure to prepare yourself and the other leader for the stronghold discussion. (See #2 & #3 below)
We have found that the most straight forward way to hold the Stronghold discussion is to ask everyone that is willing to read out loud the paragraph on page 107 of the participant guide - after the lock. Ask everyone to read the paragraph to themselves. Ask then to review the table of “Stronghold” and “Freedom” on pages 107-109. As they read the paragraph they insert a stronghold in the first blanks space and a freedom in the second space. Ask each person to explain why they chose, what they chose. Give each person plenty of time to talk. Feel free to pray for them if is seems appropriate.
YOUR JOB IS TO LISTEN - NOT TO FIX PEOPLE. Please do not try to fix people’s problems. You should do no more than listen, show empathy, and possibly pray for the people in your group. If you believe someone needs more help with their problems, refer them for Peer Counseling. Pantano offers Peer Counseling and Life Resources here: Peer Counseling Resources. We also offer several Care groups that you can find here: Pantano Group Finder. Please review all of these resources before you facilitate week #5.
Page 47 of the Facilitator’s guide describes a bookmark with true identity verses. You received one of these bookmarks for each of your group members in your Rooted Facilitators Training Folder. Please give a bookmark to everyone during your week five discussion. Online groups can download a PDF and send it to their group members. The PDF is posted in our Church Center leaders group.
We have also posted a one page version of the true identity verses here: My True Identity Verses One Page. These verses make a great study guide to recommend to your group to cover weeks that you do not have a chapter of the Rooted book to study.
By now, you should have chosen a Serve Experience. Please make sure everyone in your group has all the necessary details. If you have not yet found something, we have posted a list of several serve opportunities on our Experiences page.
Week 5 Leaders Training Video: