Week 8 Leaders Notes

Your week #8 leaders guide will describe a large group experience to discuss Generosity. We will not be doing a large group experience for week #8. However, we do have a video we would like everyone to use for this week. This is a YouTube video. This video is more Thant 30 minutes long. You will not have time to show it in your group, and still have a discussion. Please send the link to your group members, and ask them to watch the video before your group meeting. You can find the week #8 video here: Week 8 Generosity Video

The folder that you recieved during Rooted leaders training had Generosity Cards. Please give each participant one of these cards during your week 8 meeting. The goal is to have each person consider their response to 2 Cor 9:7: Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

The cards have three different levels of commitment to meet people wherever they are in their relationship with Christ. Ask everyone to pray about this, then write down their commitment. The cards are theirs to keep. Please DO NOT collect them. What they choose to give is between them and God. Online groups can download a PDF and send it to their group members. The PDF is posted in our Church Center leaders group.

Please identify and encourage people in your group who are potential Rooted leaders. Please ask them to facilitate one of the final discussions, and ask them to consider leading during the next Rooted semester. If they have questions, please ask them to contact the Discipleship Team.

Week 8 Leaders Training Video:


Weeks 6 and 7 Leaders Notes


Week 9 Leaders Notes